What to do if your insurance won’t cover your wig cost?

  • If you’re paying for the wig yourself, save your receipt for possible tax deductible opportunities. If your wig is tax deductible if your medical bills exceed 7.5% of your income.
  • American cancer society is willing to grant up to 75 for a medical wig for the benefit of cancer patients.
  • NAAF’S Ascot Fund is also there for alopecia Areata patients with financial assistance can go as high as 500 provided that the patient is evidentially incapable of purchasing a suitable wig.

Find out if your Cranial Prosthesis Covered by Insurance

  • Contact your insurance representative and ask if they offer cranial prosthesis coverage.
  • How much do they cover for prosthesis?
  • Their payment process (Pay you or wig maker).
  • The type of hair loss problems they cover.
  • What documentation is needed to file your claim.
  • The terminology your doctor must use on your prescription.
  • Also when speaking with your insurance representative, do not use the word “wig” instead, be more specific and use the correct term such as cranial prosthesis.
  • Keep copies of all your documentation This purchase may qualify for tax exemption or, you may need it for future appeal.

Tips for Buying Wigs online

1/ Measure your head size (Use soft measurement tape).

2/ Detail on our wig caps (Optional adjustable wig bands).

3/ Understand wig density (How full of the wig you want to look).


  • Get a prescription for “Cranial prosthesis” from your doctor. Make sure that’s the correct terminology required by your healthy insurance provider. Also include code A9282. Also not to use/wigs. Because the word wig is considered for cosmetic item. The procedure code/number on your cranial prosthesis prescription is used to submit your insurance claim.
  • If you are going to pat out-of-pocket or upfront, place your oder online at Wig Boutique.
  • After placing your order with Wig Boutique, email us with your order number. Let us know that you need a copy at your invoice for your cranial prosthesis prescription.
  • We will provide you with your invoice containing a  NPI number and our tax ID number.
  • Send all documentation to your health insurance provider. This includes your prescription, complete insurance claim form, invoice from Wig Boutique and any other necessary forms.

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